The Katokart system is a CMS engine I developed that allows website upgrades and large website changes at one touch of a button.

Most Systems used in the industry such as Wordpress and Magenta all require use of a staging environment and a host of in-house or out-source developers on standby when launching product lines or conducting mega sales for Black Friday, Singles Day 11.11 and other similar campaigns.

The Katokart system allows massive updates to entire website theme, banners and sliders as well as product and prices in seconds by hosting a true staging (Preview) before publishing feature.

The KatoKart system has advantages such as

1. Unlimited Choice for Clients

2. Lower cost of maintenance

3. Lower customisation cost

4. Ability to switch client from any competing platform

World First

The KAOKART system is the first CMS with stage and preview features. 

It enables companies to plan large sales or 1 days special sales without need for in-house technology team.

No other system that I know of is able to achieve this.